
支票 / 現金出糧都可以玩出糧賬戶!! 花旗 - Bank at Work戶口!!!

前文: Citibank - Bank at Work出糧賬戶優惠 (最高可獲$500!!)

我們DWG一向都為大家介紹不同的出糧賬戶優惠, 但很多時銀行往往都要僱主使用自動出糧才能合資格享受到有關優惠! 咁若果係大用支票/現金出糧的又如何呢? 好彩我們DWG都為大家找到, 原來花旗都接受以現金/支票出糧的朋友去開設Bank at Work (BAW)戶口, 以獲取不同的優惠和現金券呢!

For you information, you may open a Bank at Work Savings Account, use this account for your monthly payroll within 3 months after account opening and use this account for payroll for at least 3 months to enjoy all rewards. If the payroll through cheque or cash, you may deposit the cheque or cash to your Bank at Work Savings Account. The minimum monthlypayroll amount must be HKD10,000.00 or above. Offers valid until September 30, 2009.

You will not eligible for any welcome offer, preferential savings rate and minimum balance requirement waiver if you do not transfer your payroll to Bank at Work Savings Account within 3 months of account opening.

To enquire and discuss your banking needs, we suggest you contact our Telemarketing Hotline at 2860-0222 for more details. Our Telemarketing Officers will be glad to serve you.  

花旗BAW戶口的詳情, 大家可以參考我們為大家準備的前文! 大家加油呀! 齊齊拎Jetso!!! ^_^

註: 請各位先參閱有關條款, 貫切我們的宗旨: 先求知, 後行動! 

