1. 上銀信用卡 - $500免找數簽賬額
條件:零售簽賬$200 x 1和同時開設網上銀行 + AAVS = $500 ($300 + $100 x 2)
2. Citibank八達通信用卡 - $200 + $50的八達通現金回贈
條款 |
3. 富邦白金 / 鈦金信用卡 - $250八達通AAVS金額
條件:成功申請信用卡和有1次AAVS後,白金 / 鈦金卡就可以有$250的八達通金額
最後不能不介紹的Compass Visa最新的信用卡迎新推廣,迎新禮物不錯各位可以留意留意!
2 則留言:
oops i've applied for compass visa card in march... no parknshop coupons as online gift at that time...
but i wanna confirm whether there is any bonus reward for submitting the documents or online application if the application was done in march?! (cuz i can't trace the record now) many thanks~
you might call DBS hotline to confirm. and ask whether it is ok if you cancel your previous application and submit new application for online gift.
as far as i know, there should be online gift provided for online application, call DBS for your ref.